So now you have your explainer video, brand story or business promo. Or maybe you shared your knowledge in a talking head video or demonstration. You are feeling good and ready to share. But where? Well I recently did a live video on Facebook about the different places to use your video once you have it. Below is a transcript of that chat, some words have been tweaked to make it an easier read.


So the first obvious place is on your website if you have one. Putting a video on your website helps people to understand more about what you do, helps them to relate to who you are and it also helps people to stay on your website longer. The later can help with your SEO and help you to rank higher in Google search.


Another place to use video is a very obvious and popular one at the moment which is social media. So when we a talk about social media we are talking about Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn – people often forget LinkedIn. There are lots of business people on LinkedIn checking in each day, so that is great especially if you are B2B, talking to other businesses.  Don’t forget to include your videos in your social media profiles.


A third place is still on social media but it is paid advertising. So when you are scrolling through your feed and you see sponsored posts, those are paid advertisements. Video is quite powerful in that space because video is engaging and memorable. So when people scroll through their feed and see a video they will often stop and watch or come back later and have a look. Therefore, once you have a video, yes post it on social media but have a think about if you have extra money for ad spend. If you do, share it as a paid advertisement and reach a specific audience.

If you are not sure how a paid advertisement appears, here is one from LinkedIn in my Facebook feed. Yours can look like this just be ready with your supporting text and video thumbnail when you upload.


Another place is hosting it somewhere like YouTube where you build up a collection of videos and you reach a wider audience. This is great if you are creating a series or things like tips and tricks where you are going to do multiple videos. Just one thing to remember with YouTube is you can’t control the advertisements that are placed around your video so that is something to keep in mind. It can work really well for some businesses but some may want to avoid that.


Video is also really great for groups such as those on Facebook or business directories. Many Kiwis have links from directories such as Yellow, to their website. Or they are talking in like-minded online groups, for instance I’m in some working mum groups. So when you are talking about your business and promoting it you can use your video.


This one I mentioned in the supporting text when I posted the video. Remember how excited you got at school when the teacher rolled out the TV for a video! Well, the same applies today. Use video to help people remember your product or service once they leave the meeting room.


Lastly, moving images should entertain or inform. Used correctly they are a quick and memorable way to summarise a lot of information. Don’t be afraid to ask a question if you are not sure how and when to use video, we’d love to help you.


Story Orchard provides video production and content solutions from Tauranga, New Zealand.

Credit: Feature photo by Sara Kurfeß on Unsplash.